Visual • UI • Responsive Design • Lead Experience
Principal AM Website
Helping customers accomplish their goals and get what they need, while leaving a lasting brand impression.
Responsible for visual direction, all mockups, strategic thinking, design research, client working sessions and leading a motion designer for interactions.
Our audience
US Financial Advisors
Institutional Investors
Global Platform Analysts
Key insights
🚩 Customers aren’t getting what they need
🚩 Transformation is needed beyond web properties
🚩 Brand needs elevation
🚩 Business complexity being passed onto customers
🚩 Limited customer base
🚩 No systems in place
Making it happen
We started by initiating a comprehensive brand and experience audit, that helped us understand how PGI was showing up across the portfolio to our users, revealed a complex global compliance landscape, requirements and needs for future state.
Personally developed a rubric and conducted a quick—albeit robust—audit across their 12 site properties.
Granted me the ability to demonstrate their business disconnect, understand content needs and scope the new design system.
Leveraged my audit learnings to create an accurate estimate that optimized our roadmap for success.
Bonus—I developed planning templates to ensure quick alignment and productive meetings.
Lead working sessions with Principal AM brand team to understand our playground, ensure buy-in and share accessibility insights for their rebrand.
What we made
I dialed in the parent brand personality traits, Welcoming - Dedicated - Insightful - Courageous, for how Principal Global would express itself in the lens of the parent brand guidelines in two concepts. Each concept expressed a different mix of the brand traits, ensuring we’re always feeling tied to the central Principal brand.
Concept A
Simply conversational
As typography—through data—with human interactions.
Concept B
Luxurious confidence
Through perspective—immersive media—and bold delivery.
How do we know?
To understand if we made the right choices and helped the client to best understand the opportunities of both concepts, we opted to carry out some high-level feedback on how our concepts were being perceived.
Test B
Select up to five words best apply to each design.
Test A
Which words best apply to each design?
The results
Focusing in our target audience and setting up a few questions—helped us sell the client on a concept that was more of a risk in their competitive set.
💥 Won the business
💥 Referral to multi-million dollar project
💥 Influenced the parent brand system
Teamwork makes the dreamwork.
Wunderman Thompson — Agency
Vivi Fitriani — Design/UX Director
Kali Barlau — Copywriter
Kates Hartman — Lead Visual Design/UX